Saturday, September 27, 2008

Illustration Friday - Packed RATS

"PackRats Packed"
Mixed Media (Digital/Gouache/Digital) 5"x14"


INDIGENE said...

Okay, I hate mice & rats, so it took a lot of courage for me to continue looking at this! But, admittedly, it's a great illustration!

Kris-Tea said...

I like it!
Well I dont like rats...only for illustrating :P


cute idea....well done.

Anonymous said...

Great idea for Packed! This is a very cool technique you have going, as well. I actually do like rats, well, er, not in my house or anything, but they are not without their verminly charm, hee hee.

loubylou said...

wow! the rats are great! the colours and texture is lovely. they remind me of mushrooms and bark like textures.

loubylou ps. thanks for your
comment, much appreciated